
Pipestone Minnesota

August 2001

We ventured to Pipestone National Monument in Pipestone Minnesota. American Indians of many tribes journeyed to this area to quarry its pipestone and fashion peace pipes. They usually quarry in late summer and fall. In the spring and early summer, ground water collects in the pit from spring runoff of melting snow and high rainfall. Before quarrying can take place, the quarriers must pump the water from their pits. Because only hand tools are allowed to quarry the pipestone the quarry process is hard physical labor.


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Display of Indian pipes inside the visitors center.

Close up of an eagle claw pipe.

Close up of another pipers detail.

Hardness of rocks graph - interesting.

What they smoke in the pipes.

Tim Brady (Sioux Indian) working.

Some of Tim Brady's work.

Different Indian designs on wall.

All designs have tribal names.

Some of the things for sale.

Pipes for sale in display case.

Pipestone Creak.

Pipestone Creak looking toward Hiawatha Lake.

Hiawatha Lake, named for Longfellows' mythical American Indian character.

Old stone face an unusual Sioux Quartzite formation has been created entirely through natural erosion.

Leaping Rock warriors jump across to prove their valor or bravery.

David sitting at the top of Winnewissa Falls.

Another example of natures sculpture called Oracle. Shamans believe that it could talk.

Sioux Quartzite on the trail.

An active quarry pit with a red water
jug at the bottom.

They have to dig through 12 feet of Sioux Quartzite to get to a 6 inch layer of pipestone clay rock.

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